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Omnia’s Global Medical Directory brings you an array of laboratory products to fit your needs. Explore laboratory products including analyzers, coagulators, and many more. In this directory, you can learn about the companies that specialize in laboratory products, and the ability to contact the manufacturer’s and suppliers you are interested in most.

NGS Analysis Service - Whole Genome Sequencing

NGS Analysis Service - Microarray Service

NGS Analysis - Service NGS Sequencing Workflow

GenoPAC™ Diet - [Gene analysis for your health and wellbeing]

CancerSCAN ™ - [Next Generation Cancer Gene Panel]

NobelGuard™ - [Screening test for genetic disorder related with development disabilities]

EnfantGuard™ - [Chromosome abnormality screening for infant developmental disorders]

NGS based Diagnostic Service - MomGuard

Molecular Diagnostic Service

In Vitro Diagnostics Service

Uric Acid









LDL Cholesterol

HOB Line Allergy Kit

Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)

BioCLIA 1200

HOB Line Machine

Automated ELISA Platform

Mini VID imaging system

LuminTM LED Objective, the fluorescent light emitting component

I4 LED fluorescence microscope


HOB Food Intolerance Screening ELISA Test - The “Nutrition Consultant”

HandyRay (LMT-3000)


Foodborne Bacteria

Waterborne Virus

Food Allergen

Nucleic Acid Extraction

Gastroenteric Bacteria

Infectious Pathogen

Influenza Virus

Gastroenteric Virus

MFDS Approved Product

HDL Cholesterol

Excel - Chemistry Analyzer

Excel - Chemistry Analyzer

Quo-Lab® A1c  Analyzer

Quo-Lab® A1c Analyzer

Hemo Control Hemoglobin Analyzer

Hemo Control Hemoglobin Analyzer

Uri-Trak 120

Uri-Trak 120

Micro 12™ - Chemistry Analyzer

Micro 12™ - Chemistry Analyzer

Altair™ 240 - Chemistry Analyzer

Altair™ 240 - Chemistry Analyzer

Creamatocrit Plus™ - Mothers' Milk Analyzer

Creamatocrit Plus™ - Mothers' Milk Analyzer

Biosen C-Line & Biosen S-Line - Glucose & Lactate analyzer

Biosen - Glucose & Lactate analyzer