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CLIA / HumaCLIA 150

Fully Automated Chemiluminescence Immuno Assay System

The HumaCLIA 150 system is our new member in the immunoassay product line. HumaCLIA 150 is a sophisticated fully-automated continuous random access benchtop analyzer.

Its chemiluminescence technology is based on acridinium ester allowing for high assay sensitivity and high assay robustness. The ease-of-use of HumaCLIA 150 is supported by at a glance visualization of the consumable and sample rack status through optimally integrated LEDs. In addition, the reaction cuvettes come in bulk format ensuring an easy, fast and prompt refill.

The instrument is developed to run a broad range of both, qualitative and quantitative immunoassays including, among others, tumour markers, bone metabolism, anaemia, thyroid, fertility hormones and specialty assays like Vitamin D or AMH. The reagent kits contain 2 cartridges, each allowing for 50 tests and have the calibrators included. This makes the system an ideal fit for every small to mid-volume diagnostic laboratory.