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VirtaMed | GynoS™ Simulator for Obstetrics and Gynecology Training
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GynoS™ Simulator for Obstetrics and Gynecology Training

VirtaMed GynoS™ provides life-like gynecology training at no risk to live patients. It is the most realistic virtual-reality simulator for obstetric ultrasound, IUD insertion, embryo transfer, and hysteroscopy. Modules include 1st Trimester Transvaginal Obstetric Ultrasound, 2nd Trimester Transabdominal Obstetric Ultrasound, Embryo transfer, IUD placement, Hysteroscopy.

Covers the entire spectrum of OB/GYN training: from obstetric ultrasound to hysteroscopy, embryo transfer, and IUD placement

Validated to accelerate the learning process and improve student performance

Provides the most realistic training environment possible with photorealistic graphics and natural haptic feedback

Reduces training time and cost with proficiency-based training and assessment