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Fertility Test Kits
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LH (Luteinizing Hormone) Tests

LH (Luteinizing Hormone) Tests One Step LH Urine Ovulation Test is a qualitative test that can predict when there is a LH surge, and in turn, when one is likely to ovulate. These tests are to be used in monitoring the ovulation cycle for couples trying to conceive. Features An easy to use ovulation test. No additional instrument or reagent is needed; Detect LH surge 24-48 hours before the release of fertile egg; 99% accurate results in less than 5 minutes. Sensitive :15mIU/ml Designed for professional and home users. Seven tests are recommended for one menstrual cycles LH131 Ovulation test in Urine strip 100T Urine 24M LH132 Ovulation test in Urine cassette 25T Urine 24M LH133 Ovulation test in Urine midstream 1T Urine 24M