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Bruker Daltonik Gmbh

Fahrenheitstrasse 4
28359 Bremen
Exhibited At: 
LUMOS - Overview - LUMOS FTIR Microscope | Bruker

LUMOS FTIR Microscope

In-Vivo Xtreme - Optical and X-ray small animal preclinical imaging system | Bruker

In-Vivo Xtreme II™

ICON MRI - Compact and easy-to-use cryogen-free high-performance MRI desktop system | Bruker


PharmaScan MRI - MRI scanner for pharmaceutical and molecular imaging research | Bruker


BioSpec MRI - Multi Purpose High Field MRI/MRS Research Systems | Bruker

BioSpec® series

Overview Toxtyper - Fast and comprehensive LC-MSn identification - Toxtyper | Bruker

Toxtyper™ 2.0

Overview amaZon speed - Redefining Ion Trap performance for small molecule Applications - amaZon speed | Bruker

amaZon speed

autoflex maX - MALDI-TOF MS power for in-depth polymer analysis | Bruker

autoflex maX

Overview microflex series - Highest performance bench-top MALDI-TOF MS - microflex | Bruker

The compact microflex LT/SH

Overview rapifleX MALDI PharmaPulse - rapifleX MALDI PharmaPulse | Bruker

apifleX MALDI PharmaPulse ®