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Dirui Industrial Co., Ltd.

No.3333 Yiju RoadHigh-Tech Development Zone
Chang Chun
Jilin Sheng 130103
Exhibited At: 

PCR solution for novel coronavirus

BCA-1000 Automatic Blood Coagulation Analyzer

CM-180 Chemiluminescence Immunoassay Analyzer

GMD-S600 Vaginal Infections Analyzer

GMD-S600 Vaginal Infections Analyzer

FUS-3000Plus Urinalysis Hybrid NEW

FUS-2000 Urinalysis Hybrid

Dirui FUS 100+H-800 Automatic Urinalysis System

FUS-100+H-800 Automatic Urinalysis System

Dirui CS400 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer

CS-400 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer

CS-T240 Auto-Chemistry Analyzer

Dirui BF-6500 Automatic Hematology Analyzer

BF-6500 Automatic Hematology Analyzer

BCC-3900 Hematology Analyzer NEW~