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An operator in a nursing home pushes a CB20 bag holder trolley for dirty linen. with an ESSENTIAL patient hygiene trolley in the background.ISEO CB10P single bag holder trolley for dirty linen with pedal operated lidISEO CB20P double bag holder trolley for dirty linen, pedal operated lids and push handleISEO Duo CBW30P triple bag holder trolley for dirty linen collection and bag holder for waste collectionISEO Combi CBPPW double bag holder trolley for dirty linen collection, bag holder for waste collection and shelves for clean linen
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ISEO for laundry management

ISEO is a line of bag holder trolleys that come in different layouts and sizes. Various combinations of dirty linen bag holders are available.

The bag-fixing system is easy to adjust to any size and type of bag (textile, net, plastic etc.).

ISEO Duo trolleys combine the dirty linen bag holders with our WASTY self closing bag holder for waste.

ISEO Combi trolleys add open or closed storage compartments for clean linen.


AISI304 stainless steel structure with 4 swiveling castors and 4 rubber bumpers.

Push handle available upon request.

Lids available in five colours: white, green, red, blue and yellow.