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Nabta Health Ltd

B01, Block B
Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park
United Arab Emirates

Nabta Health: A modern health and wellness platform, seamlessly combining digital and traditional methods to provide affordable, cutting-edge healthcare to women.

Nabta’s mission is to improve clinical outcomes for women by making the very best medical care more widely accessible. We have chosen initially to concentrate on the most important events in women’s lives - fertility, pregnancy, and menopause.

With laser-like focus on these specific conditions for women, we apply technology and traditional healthcare data to deliver individual care pathways that improve clinical outcomes. That means both faster diagnosis and more effective treatment.

In our chosen areas of specialism, Nabta provides a comprehensive set of healthcare services to women. These include clinical advice, personalised health recommendations, consumer product reviews and virtual consultations.

We call our approach “hybrid healthcare”. Why? Because it combines the best of digital and traditional methods of patient support. Our solutions reduce the time and cost burden associated with developing care pathways tailored to the individual. So improved clinical outcomes can be delivered more affordably to more women.

At Arab Health, Nabta is excited to launch its initial focus on the diagnosis of infertility due to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). This is the first of several personalised healthcare pathways powered by machine learning in the area of fertility. An estimated 320 million women suffer with PCOS globally, although 70% of all PCOS cases go mis- or un-diagnosed. Nabta’s aim is to reduce the time it takes women to arrive at a diagnosis of PCOS from an average of two and a half years to three months. Early diagnosis means a better chance of managing the condition, increasing the likelihood of a successful pregnancy and reducing adverse side effects.

Nabta is the only “by women, for women” healthcare company in the Arab world. Because Nabta is proudly by and for the region, all of Nabta’s product offerings, as well as its content and guidelines, have been designed to uphold the unique cultural, linguistic and religious considerations of our culture.

Welcome to Nabta and hybrid healthcare - the future of women's health.

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