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5-Drawer Junior Tall (JTGSU-33669-VIL) | Waterloo Healthcare
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5-Drawer Junior Tall (JTGSU-33669-VIL)

5-Drawer Junior Tall (JTGSU-33669-VIL) Economical steel bedside/nurse server cart offer a robust work platform that can be configured with accessories to address your code cart needs. Shares many of the same great features as our aluminum cart but at a more economical initial price. Other features include: Smooth ball bearing slides with auto-close mechanism to pull the drawer fully closed. Advanced nylon reinforced polycarbonate bumper provides a wider wheel base and greater cart stability and protection. Single piece construction resists scuffs and scratches. 5” Premium “Easy roll” sealed bearing casters with precision bearing swivels. Thread guards minimize sutures and other materials from collecting around axles and keep carts rolling smoothly.