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A specially designed automation for the processing departments where time is critical. A shuttle loader moves along the front of the soiled side of the washer disinfectors and loads the racks automatically into the first available washer.

Once the items have gone through the washing cycle, another ATS unloads the treated racks along the clean side and transfers them to a storage station ready for inspection and packaging.

The relevant washing program is processor controlled according to the individual rack specifications.

Managing the restricted space challenge
Steelco offers the most innovative automation solutions for the washing and disinfection areas of a CSSD. Steelco’s automatic devices, such as the motorized rotating table and the ATS shuttle allow compact footprint layouts respecting accessibility and maintenance spaces. The highest level of flexibility is reached with the new rotating ATS shuttle. The experience in the transfer and storing table dimensioning elevates the value of Steelco solutions.

Separating Cold and Hot washing cycle phasis

In terms of process efficiency, it is particularly convenient to designate one unit to the specific cold pre-wash phase.
Besides reducing process total time, it is possible to realize important energy savings because it avoids cold water loading in the washing chambers of the machines involved in the washing, thermo-disinfection and drying phases.

Reducing manual pre processing operations

According to internal procedures an ultrasonic cleaning unit can be used as an alternative support to the manual cleaning to remove biological debris in the most intricate shapes and cavities before the washing/disinfection process. 
Steelco ultrasonic treatment device US 1000 is designed for full integration in automated CSSD solutions.