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Calming Cushion Wellness Tool

The Calming Cushion serves as a therapeutic intervention and wellness tool for individuals with emotional, behavioral, and cognitive challenges.

The safe squeeze the Calming Cushion provides simulates a feeling of being held securely and comfortably in order to reduce feelings of being overwhelmed and agitated before having a behavioral outburst.  A study, approved by Boston University, then published** was conducted in a residential treatment program for youth with emotional dysregulation, intense anxiety, agitation and histories of trauma.

The results reveal that the Calming Cushion has a positive calming and soothing effect.  Typical feedback from the youth included,  “I feel so calm. I’m not angry, It’s so soothing.” and “I take it [the calm feeling] with me.”

In residential treatment facilities, the Calming Cushion can reduce the need for physical restraints and seclusion to preserve individual dignity.  The Cushion can also be used at home by a parent for a child who may benefit from a safe, comfortable intervention for calming. An adept teen could also be trained to use it independently.