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Hana® Orthopedic Surgery Table

The Hana® Orthopedic Surgery Table is the first surgical table designed exclusively for hip and knee arthroplasty. It is a state-of-the-art orthopedic table that enables surgeons to perform a variety of fracture and orthopedic procedures, including the anterior approach for total hip replacements.
With its unique capability to position the leg, the Hana® table enables the surgeon to replace the hip through a short single incision1,2 without detachment of muscle from the pelvis or femur.3,4 The table allows hyperextension, abduction, adduction and external rotation of the legs for femoral component placement - a positioning option not possible with conventional tables. For this reason, the Hana® table is an excellent resource for many orthopedic surgical procedures including femur fractures (supine or lateral positions), tibia fractures, hip pinnings, hip scopes, and total knee arthroplasties.
