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InterView™ XP - Mediso Medical Imaging Systems
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InterView™ XP

InterView™ XP Planar, SPECT and Whole Body Software Introduction Interview™XP is a nuclear medical image evaluation workstation supporting the quantitative and 2D-3D presentation of time dependent, organ specific radio-pharmaceutical spatial distribution followed by the in-vivo bio-chemical processes. The system runs under Microsoft Windows 7 64bit platform, by well-known Windows based user-friendly interface. The high resolution true-colour display allows multiformat image presentation in excellent quality. Main functions of the system are possible to access by pull-down menu structure (Fig.1.). Optionally, the most often used clinical procedures are available by “so called” quick access bar i.e. “Study Info Bar” (it is possible to activate/hide by the Option Menu item /Fig.3./) (Fig.2.). The “Highly Automated Evaluations Procedures” are grouped by organs and acquisition modes (2D/3D, i.e. Planar /Fig.4./ or SPECT /Fig.5./). The evaluation tools of each procedure are organised by clinical tasks to be divided into logical steps. Each step corresponds to a page of a workbook, where the user may navigate among the steps in order to make the necessary modifications/corrections (Fig.6). The program leads the user along the logical steps with the necessary intervention.