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Lathipen 1gm
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Lathipen 1gm – Thiopental Sodium for Injection

Lathipen 1gm

Composition: Thiopental Sodium For Injection USP 1000mg

Dosage Form:  Injection

Packing: 1 Inj

Market Authorization: MBA Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd

Country of Origin: India

Pharmaceuticals Product


Thiopental sodium for injection, USP is a thio Barbiturate the sulphur analogue of sodium pental Barbital. The drug is prepared as a sterile powder and after reconstitution with an appropriate diluent, is administered.

Clinical Pharmacology

Pento Thalisanul trans-short-acting depressant of the central nervous system which includes hypnosis and anesthesia, but not analgesia. It produces hypnosis within 30 to 40 seconds of intravenous injection. Recovery after a small close is rapid, with some somnolence and retrograde amnesia.

The mechanism by which barbiturate Anesthetics produce general anesthesia is not completely understood. it has been proposed that they act by enhancing responses to gamma amino butyric acid (GABA), diminishing glutamate responses, and directly depressing excitability to provide anesthetic action.

Indication and Usage

Thiopental is indicated (1)as the sole anesthetic agent for brief (15 minutes) procedures. (2) for induction of anesthesia pri to the administration of anesthetic agents, (3) to supplement regional anesthesia, (4) to provide hypnosis during balanced anesthesia with other agents for analgesia or muscle relaxation, (5)for the control of conclusive states during or following inhalation anesthesia, local anesthesia, other causes,(6)in neurosurgical patients with increased intracranial pressure, if adequate ventilation is provided and (7) for narco analysis and narco synthesis in psychiatric disorders.


Absolute central indications.

(1) Absence of suitable veins for intravenous administration.

(2) Hypersensitivity (allergy) to barbiturates,

(3) Status asthmatics and



Observe aseptic precautions at all times in the preparation and handling of Thiopental solutions. If used in conditions involving relative contraindications, reduce dosage and administers lowely. Care should be taken in administering the drug to patients with advanced cardiac disease, increased intracranial pressure, asthma myasthenia gravis, and Endocrine insufficiency (Pituitary, Thyroid, Adrenal, Pancrease).


Store in a cool & dry place, Protected from light.