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PEP Therapy
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PEP Therapy

PEP Therapy Westmed offers an inexpensive, easy-to-implement, and time-saving solution for providing PEP during aerosol therapy with the Circulaire II aerosol delivery system, or airway clearance with the Vibralung Acoustical Percussor. Westmed’s Variable Expiratory Resistor provides PEP which promotes lung expansion and airway clearance. PEP Therapy is built into the Circulaire II Aerosol Delivery Device and the Vibralung Acoustical Percussor PEP is the acronym for Positive Expiratory Pressure, the technique of applying resistance to the exhalation phase of breathing in order to slow expiratory flow, build up a modest amount of back-pressure, slightly prolong the expiratory phase and dilate and “splint” the airways and alveoli. In so doing, a number of therapeutic benefits are conferred to the patient: 1. Prevent small airway collapse. 2. Promote airway clearance through airway dilation. 3. Promote lung expansion. 4. Improve aerosol distribution and deposition when used concomitantly with aerosol delivery