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GeneAll Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (주)진올바이오테크놀러지 - ProtinEx<sup>TM</sup>
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ProtinExTM Animal cell / tissue provides fast and easy methods for the extraction of total soluble proteins from animal cells and tissues. When extracting proteins, efficient disrupting of cells or tissues is essential for recovering whole cellular proteins. Using ProtinExTM Animal cell / tissue’s optimized procedure, the cell membranes composed of phospholipids and membrane proteins can be easily and efficiently disrupted without further treatment like sonication or freeze / thaw step. Owing to lack of ionic disturbance the denaturing power of non-ionic detergent is generally milder than that of ionic detergent. Non-ionic lytic condition of ProtinExTM Animal cell / tissue enables the isolation of functionally active proteins which can be applied to protein-protein interaction experiments, reporter assays, protein assays, immunoassays, and protein purification.