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A professional hospital bed/emergency stretcher/medical furniture manufacturer. | JOSON-CARE ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.
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Universal Electric Hospital Bed

Universal Electric Hospital Bed    ES-16NS Safe and Firm Construction The ES-16NS Standard Electric Hospital Bed's frame is made of steel with powder coating and the mattress' platform is made of ABS plastic which has ventilation holes. Head and Foot Board Removable The boards are made of ABS plastic, allowing for easy removal when in an emergency. Full-length Side-rails with 11 tubes rails design. It made of ABS plastic and provides the optimum protection against a fall. Also, it can install "P" design side rails for further protection. Mattress Stopper There are stoppers around the mattress platform. I.V. Pole Holes and Drainage Bag Hangers There are four I.V. pole holders around the bed and the hangers for the drainage bags on each side of the bed. Auto-Chair Function This function manipulates the back-rest and knee-rest simultaneously to the position of a chair, it provides a comfortable position for patients.