Global Medical Directory is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Informa PLC's registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Registered in England and Wales. Number 8860726.

Hall 2



Physical Therapy Spheres FisioPauher

Physical Therapy Spheres FisioPauher

Powerlift 135 Mini - Tecnimoem

Powerlift 135 Mini - Tecnimoem

Tedisel Medical | Ares

Tedisel Medical | Ares

SP 130

SP 130



FisioPaper FisioPaper Spheres

FisioPaper FisioPaper Spheres

Powerlift 150 - Tecnimoem

Powerlift 150 - Tecnimoem

Tedisel Medical | Surgical Lights

Surgical Lights

TB 300

TB 300



Multipurpose Fastening Tape

Multipurpose Fastening Tape

Handgel Fisiopauher

Handgel Fisiopauher

Pactosafe® (Seguripack)

Pactosafe® (Seguripack)

Tedisel Medical | Abitus


IN 200

IN 200

Fisiohand Siligel for Physiotherapy

Fisiohand Siligel for Physiotherapy

FisioPauher Multiresistance Beads

FisioPauher Multiresistance Beads

Tedisel Medical | Atlas


OV 325

OV 325

Sphere Siligel for Physiotherapy

Sphere Siligel for Physiotherapy

Magnifying lens lamps with light Inmoclinc 20106

Magnifying lens lamps with light. 20106

Tedisel Medical | Teyde


SE 3415

SE 3415

Medical Oxygen Generators - OXAIR Oxygen & Nitrogen systems

Medical Oxygen Generators

SE 3502

SE 3502

Elastic Wristband Fashion Pauher

Elastic Wristband Fashion Pauher

TB 200

TB 200

Splint for Finger BracePauher

Splint for Finger BracePauher

H-Series Hyperbaric Chamber with Low Profile Gurney

H-Series Hyperbaric Chamber with Low Profile Gurney

Double Splint for Finger BracePauher

Double Splint for Finger BracePauher

Ladder fingers. Rehabilitation Inmoclinc 401374

Ladder fingers. 401374

Pneumatic Hyperbaric Chambers

Pneumatic Hyperbaric Chambers

Wrist Strap with Wristband PauherSupport

Wrist Strap with Wristband PauherSupport

Tala For Handles and Thumb

Tala For Handles and Thumb

Hyperbaric Chamber 3600E: Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber

Hyperbaric Chamber 3600E

Neoprene Wristband PauherSupport

Neoprene Wristband PauherSupport

Hyperbaric Chamber 3300E: Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber

Hyperbaric Chamber 3300E

Diapump® Colibri - DPM 40+ - Fanem

Diapump® Colibri - DPM 40+

Operating and treatment lights

Operating and treatment lights